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Level A1 (Beginners)

Learning Maltese 1 / Nitgħallem il-Malti 1

Learning Maltese 1A front cover

Learning Maltese 1 is a complete guide for beginners to learn the Maltese language and culture. It offers lessons in a bilingual format, in Maltese and English, and is designed to teach Maltese from the very beginning in an easy-to-follow format. With this book you can,

  • Learn the Maltese alphabet and master its sounds;
  • Learn basic word families while building your vocabulary;
  • Master basic grammar rules using a thematic approach;
  • Hear each dialogue/context read in Standard Maltese by native speakers;
  • Familiarise yourself with Maltese culture;
  • Use different practical activities related to the topic of the unit for effective learning and revision;
  • Practise the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing;
  • Use the Learning Outcomes section to verify whether you achieved the aims of the unit.

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Level A1 (Beginners)

Learning Maltese 2 / Nitgħallem il-Malti 2

Learning Maltese 1B front cover

Learning Maltese 2 is a guide for beginner learners to continue learning the Maltese language and culture. It builds upon the previous book, Learning Maltese 1, emphasising a progressive learning approach. It offers lessons in a bilingual format, in Maltese and English, and is designed to teach Maltese in an easy-to-follow format. With this book you can,

  • Learn the Maltese language through a thematic approach;
  • Learn basic grammar rules while building your vocabulary;
  • Hear each dialogue/context read in Standard Maltese by native speakers;
  • Further familiarise yourself with Maltese culture;
  • Use different practical activities related to the topic of the unit for effective learning and revision;
  • Practise the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing;
  • Use the Learning Outcomes section to verify whether you achieved the aims of the unit.

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Level A1 (Beginners–Elementary)

My First 750 Words in Maltese

First 750 words front cover

My First 750 Words in Maltese is a bilingual vocabulary book in Maltese and English that teaches Maltese vocabulary in an easy-to-follow format. It covers the basic vocabulary encountered in daily life. Each lesson contains pronunciation aids as well as the English equivalent for each word. The exercises and activities teach the vocabulary in a cyclical manner while sharpening your speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills.

My First 750 Words in Maltese is perfect to use in a beginner’s course and is suitable to use on your own, in groups or at school. With this book you can:

  • Discover the Maltese language;
  • Enrich your vocabulary;
  • Learn Maltese expressions;
  • Improve your reading, writing, listening and pronunciation skills;
  • Explore the Maltese culture and geography.

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Livello A1 (Principianti–Elementare)

Le mie prime 750 parole in maltese

Le mie prime 750 parole in maltese front cover

Le mie prime 750 parole in maltese è un libro-vocabolario bilingue in maltese e in italiano che insegna il vocabolario maltese in un formato facile da seguire. Mostra un vocabolario basilare per le espressioni più comuni nella vita di ogni giorno. Ogni lezione mostra la pronuncia e l’equivalente italiano di ogni parola. Gli esercizi e le attività insegnano il lessico in maniera ciclica perfezionando la produzione orale, la lettura, la scrittura e le competenze di ascolto.

Le mie prime 750 parole in maltese è perfetto da usare in un corso di principianti ed è anche utile per un’/un autodidatta, per un gruppo o a scuola. Con questo libro puoi:

  • Scoprire la lingua maltese;
  • Arricchire il tuo vocabolario;
  • Imparare le espressioni maltesi;
  • Migliorare le tue competenze di lettura, di scrittura, di ascolto e di pronuncia;
  • Esplorare la cultura e la geografia maltese.

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Niveau A1 (Anfänger–Grundstufe)

Meine ersten 750 Wörter auf Maltesisch

Meine ersten 750 Wörter auf Maltesisch front cover

Meine ersten 750 Wörter auf Maltesisch ist ein zweisprachiges Vokabular auf Maltesisch und Deutsch, das maltesisches Vokabular in einem leicht verständlichen Format lehrt. Es behandelt das Grundvokabular im Alltag. Jede Lektion enthält Aussprachehilfen sowie das deutsche Äquivalent für jedes Wort. Die Übungen und Aktivitäten vermitteln den Wortschatz auf zyklische Weise und verbessern gleichzeitig Ihre Sprach-, Lese-, Schreib- und Hörfähigkeiten.

Meine ersten 750 Wörter auf Maltesisch ist ideal für Anfängerkurse und ist zum Selbststudium, zum Studium in Gruppen oder in der Schule geeignet. Mit diesem Buch können Sie:

  • die maltesische Sprache entdecken;
  • Ihren Wortschatz bereichern;
  • maltesische Ausdrücke lernen;
  • Ihre Lese-, Schreib-, Hör- und Aussprachefähigkeiten verbessern;
  • die maltesische Kultur und Geographie erkunden.

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Level A1 (Beginners–Elementary)

Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context

Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context front cover

Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context is a bilingual grammar book in Maltese and English. It teaches Maltese grammar in an easy-to-follow format using various readings and situations commonly encountered in daily life. The exercises and activities are designed to teach language in a real-life context in a cyclical manner, while helping in vocabulary acquisition and effective comprehension and communications skills.

Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context is perfect to use in a beginner’s course and is suitable to use on your own, in groups or at school. With this book you can:

  • Discover Maltese grammar basics;
  • Enrich your vocabulary;
  • Learn Maltese expressions, idioms and proverbs;
  • Improve your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills;
  • Explore the Maltese culture and geography.

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Livello A1 (Principianti–Elementare)

Grammatica maltese essenziale e contestuale 1

Grammatica maltese essenziale e contestuale 1 front cover

Grammatica maltese essenziale e contestuale 1 è un libro bilingue (maltese e italiano) di grammatica che ti insegna la grammatica maltese in una forma facile da seguire, usando diverse letture e situazioni comuni nella vita quotidiana. Gli esercizi e le attività sono concepite per insegnare la lingua contestualmente in un modo ciclico che rende possibili l’acquisizione del vocabolario, l’effettiva comprensione e le competenze comunicative.

La Grammatica maltese essenziale e contestuale 1 è perfetta per essere usata in un corso di principianti e per autodidatti, oppure in gruppi o a scuola. Con questo libro puoi:

  • scoprire le basi della grammatica maltese;
  • arricchire il tuo vocabolario;
  • imparare le espressioni, gli idiomi e i proverbi maltesi;
  • migliorare le tue competenze di lettura, scrittura, d’ascolto e di comunicazione;
  • esplorare la cultura e la geografia maltesi.

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Niveau A1 (Anfänger–Grundstufe)

Grundlagen der maltesischen Grammatik im Kontext 1

Grundlagen der maltesischen Grammatik im Kontext 1 front cover

Grundlagen der maltesischen Grammatik im Kontext 1 ist ein zweisprachiges Grammatikbuch auf Maltesisch und Deutsch. Es unterrichtet maltesische Grammatik in einem leicht verständlichen Format unter Verwendung verschiedener Lesarten und Situationen, die im täglichen Leben häufig anzutreffen sind. Die Übungen und Aktivitäten sollen die Sprache in einem realen Kontext auf zyklische Weise unterrichten und dabei helfen, Vokabeln zu erwerben und effektive Verständnis- und Kommunikationsfähigkeiten zu entwickeln.

Grundlagen der maltesischen Grammatik im Kontext 1 eignet sich perfekt für Anfängerkurse und kann allein, in Gruppen oder in der Schule verwendet werden. Mit diesem Buch können Sie:

  • die Grundlagen der maltesischen Grammatik entdecken;
  • Ihren Wortschatz bereichern;
  • maltesische Ausdrücke, Redewendungen und Sprichwörter erlernen;
  • Ihre Lese-, Schreib-, Hör- und Sprechfertigkeiten verbessern;
  • die maltesische Kultur und Geographie erkunden.

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Level A1 (Beginners–Elementary)

Speaking Maltese

Speaking Maltese front cover

This book contains 22 realistic dialogues, with parallel translations, to help you learn Maltese, improve your reading and listening skills and at the same time work on your speaking skills without having constantly to look in a dictionary. After each dialogue is a detailed table containing new verbs so you can familiarize yourself with how Maltese grammar works. You will also find a box with important expressions and their translations. Make sure that you learn these expressions because they are frequently used in day-to-day conversations.

Speaking Maltese is perfect to use in a beginner’s course and is suitable to use on your own, in groups or at school. With this book you can:

  • Discover the Maltese language
  • Enrich your vocabulary;
  • Learn more Maltese expressions;
  • Hear each dialogue being read in standard Maltese by native speakers;
  • Hear each dialogue being read in dialect by native speakers;
  • Improve your reading, listening, and speaking skills;
  • Explore the Maltese culture, place names and people’s names.

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Livello A1 (Principianti–Elementare)

Parlo maltese 1

Parlo Maltese 1 front cover

Il libro contiene 22 dialoghi realistici, con le traduzioni, per aiutarti a parlare Maltese, a migliorare le tue competenze di lettura e di ascolto e, allo stesso tempo, quelle comunicative senza aver bisogno di consultare il dizionario. Ogni dialogo è accompagnato da una tabella dettagliata con i nuovi verbi, in maniera tale da renderti chiaro il funzionamento della grammatica maltese. Troverai anche una sezione con importanti espressioni d’uso e le loro traduzioni. Assicurati di imparare queste espressioni perché sono usate frequentemente nelle conversazioni giornaliere.

Parlo maltese 1 può essere perfettamente usato in un corso o nel tuo studio da autodidatta, in gruppi o a scuola. Con questo libro puoi:

  • scoprire la lingua maltese;
  • arricchire il tuo vocabolario;
  • imparare sempre più espressioni in maltese;
  • ascoltare ogni dialogo letto in maltese standard da madrelingua;
  • ascoltare ogni dialogo letto in dialetto da madrelingua;
  • migliorare le tue competenze di lettura, di ascolto e di comunicazione;
  • esplorare la cultura maltese, i nomi dei luoghi e delle persone.

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Niveau A1 (Anfänger–Grundstufe)

Maltesisch sprechen 1

Maltesisch sprechen 1 front cover

Dieses Buch enthält 22 realistische Dialoge mit parallelen Übersetzungen, die Ihnen helfen, Maltesisch zu lernen, Ihre Lese- und Hörfähigkeiten zu verbessern und gleichzeitig an Ihren Sprachfähigkeiten zu arbeiten, ohne ständig in einem Wörterbuch nachsehen zu müssen. Nach jedem Dialog befindet sich eine detaillierte Tabelle mit neuen Verben, damit Sie sich mit der Funktionsweise der maltesischen Grammatik vertraut machen können. Dort finden Sie auch ein Kästchen mit wichtigen Ausdrücken und deren Übersetzungen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Ausdrücke lernen, da sie häufig in täglichen Gesprächen verwendet werden.

Maltesisch sprechen 1 eignet sich perfekt für Anfängerkurse und kann allein, in Gruppen oder in der Schule verwendet werden.

Mit diesem Buch können Sie:

  • die maltesische Sprache entdecken;
  • Ihren Wortschatz bereichern;
  • mehr maltesische Ausdrücke lernen;
  • hören, wie jeder Dialog von Muttersprachlern auf Standard-Maltesisch gelesen wird;
  • hören, wie jeder Dialog von Muttersprachlern im Dialekt gelesen wird;
  • Ihre Lese-, Hör- und Sprechfähigkeiten verbessern;
  • die maltesische Kultur, Orts- und Personennamen erkunden.

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Level A2 (Elementary–Pre-Intermediate)

More Words in Maltese

More Words in Maltese front cover

More Words in Maltese is a bilingual vocabulary book in Maltese and English that teaches Maltese vocabulary in an easy-to-follow format. It covers basic vocabulary, intermediate vocabulary and phrases encountered in daily life. Each lesson contains visual and pronunciation aids as well as the English equivalent for each word. The exercises and activities teach vocabulary and phrases in a cyclical manner while sharpening your speaking, reading, writing and listening skills.

More Words in Maltese is perfect to use in an elementary course and is suitable to use on your own, in groups or at school. With this book, you can further:

  • Discover the Maltese language;
  • Enrich your vocabulary;
  • Learn more Maltese expressions;
  • Improve your reading, writing, listening and pronunciation skills;
  • Explore Maltese culture and geography.

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Level A2 (Elementary–Pre-Intermediate)

Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context 2

Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context 2 front cover

Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context 2 is a bilingual grammar book in Maltese and English. It teaches Maltese grammar in an easy-to-follow format using various readings and situations commonly encountered in daily life. The exercises and activities are designed to teach language in a real-life context in a cyclical manner, while helping in vocabulary acquisition and effective comprehension and communications skills.

Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context 2 is perfect to use in a pre-intermediate course and is suitable to use on your own, in groups, or at school. With this book you can:

  • Discover Maltese grammar;
  • Enrich your vocabulary;
  • Learn Maltese expressions, idioms, and proverbs;
  • Improve your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills;
  • Explore the Maltese culture and geography.

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Level A2 (Elementary–Pre-Intermediate)

Speaking Maltese 2

Speaking Maltese 2 front cover

Speaking Maltese 2 contains 18 realistic dialogues, with parallel translations, to help you learn Maltese, improve your reading and listening skills and at the same time work on your speaking skills without having constantly to look in a dictionary. After each dialogue you will find a box with important expressions and their translations. Make sure that you learn these expressions because they are frequently used in day-to-day conversations. This book is suitable to use on your own, in groups or at school. With this book, you can:

  • Discover the Maltese language;
  • Enrich your vocabulary;
  • Learn more Maltese expressions;
  • Hear each dialogue being read in standard Maltese by native speakers;
  • Hear each dialogue being read in dialect by native speakers;
  • Improve your reading, listening and speaking skills;
  • Explore the Maltese culture, place names and people’s names.

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Level B1 (Intermediate)

Speaking Maltese 3

Speaking Maltese 2 front cover

Speaking Maltese 3 contains 14 realistic dialogues, with parallel translations, to help you learn Maltese, improve your reading and listening skills and at the same time work on your speaking skills without having constantly to look in a dictionary. After each dialogue you will find a box with important expressions and their translations. Make sure that you learn these expressions because they are frequently used in day-to-day conversations. With this book, you can:

  • Discover the Maltese language;
  • Enrich your vocabulary;
  • Learn more Maltese expressions;
  • Hear each dialogue being read in standard Maltese by native speakers;
  • Hear each dialogue being read in dialect by native speakers;
  • Improve your reading, listening and speaking skills.

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Level B1 (Intermediate)

Further Words & Expressions in Maltese

Further Words & Expressions in Maltese front cover

Further Words & Expressions in Maltese is a bilingual vocabulary and expression book in Maltese and English that teaches Maltese vocabulary and phrases in an easy-to-follow format. It covers practical intermediate and specialised vocabulary together with idioms and proverbs. Each lesson contains visual and pronunciation aids as well as the English equivalent for each word, phrase, idiom or proverb. The exercises and activities teach vocabulary and expressions in a cyclical manner while sharpening your speaking, reading, writing and listening skills.

Further Words & Expressions in Maltese is perfect to use in an intermediate course and is suitable to use on your own, in groups or at school. With this book, you can further:

  • Discover the Maltese language;
  • Enrich your vocabulary;
  • Learn Maltese expressions;
  • Improve your reading, writing, listening and pronunciation skills;
  • Explore Maltese culture and geography.

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Level B1 (Intermediate)

Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context 3

Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context 3 front cover

Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context 3 is a bilingual grammar book in Maltese and English. It teaches Maltese grammar in an easy-to-follow format using various readings and situations commonly encountered in daily life. The exercises and activities are designed to teach language in a real-life context in a cyclical manner, while helping in vocabulary acquisition and effective comprehension and communications skills. It is perfect to use in an intermediate course and is suitable to use on your own, in groups, or at school. With this book you can:

  • Discover in detail the Maltese grammar;
  • Enrich your vocabulary;
  • Learn Maltese expressions, idioms, and proverbs;
  • Improve your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills;
  • Explore the Maltese culture and geography.

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Level B1 (Intermediate)


Reality front cover

This book contains ten short stories, with parallel translations, to help you learn Maltese, improve your reading and listening skills and spend some time reading and enjoying yourself without having constantly to look in a dictionary. It also makes you aware of the problems that many young people face today, like alcohol, drugs, steroids, obsession about weight, pregnancy out of wedlock, usury and debt, sexually transmitted diseases, family problems, bullying and giving up. It also lists the Maltese support agencies that help individuals to overcome these problems. With this book you can:

  • Discover the Maltese language;
  • Enrich your vocabulary;
  • Learn Maltese expressions, idioms and proverbs;
  • Hear each story being read by a native speaker;
  • Hear each dialogue being read in dialect by native speakers;
  • Explore the Maltese culture and place names.

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Level B1 (Intermediate)

Rocco learns Karate

Rocco learns Karate front cover

This story book contains nine chapters, with parallel translations, to help you learn Maltese, improve your reading and listening skills and spend some time reading and enjoying yourself without having constantly to look in a dictionary. Another aim of this book is to introduce you to the world of martial arts. You’ll see that martial arts students need to train regularly, eat properly, be mentally prepared, and have an inner drive as well as a mentor for guidance. In other words, exactly what we all need to face the everyday challenges of life. With this book you can:

  • Discover the Maltese language;
  • Enrich your vocabulary;
  • Learn Maltese expressions, idioms and proverbs;
  • Hear each story being read by a native speaker;
  • Improve your reading and listening skills;
  • Explore the Maltese culture and place names.

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Level B1 (Intermediate)

Maltese for Specific Purposes

Medical Words & Phrases in Maltese

Medical Words & Phrases in Maltese front cover

Medical Words & Phrases in Maltese is a bilingual vocabulary book in Maltese and English that teaches Maltese medical vocabulary and expressions in an easy-to-follow format. It is ideal for medical and healthcare professionals and students who need to use Maltese in their work or study to communicate with patients and colleagues. It is also useful for foreigners living in Malta to learn basic medical terminology. With this book, you can:

  • Enrich your medical and scientific vocabulary;
  • Learn Maltese expressions related to medical contexts;
  • Gain knowledge of colloquial medical terms;
  • Improve your reading, writing, listening and pronunciation skills;
  • Enhance your communication skills, which will help you to converse in realistic situations in a medical setting;
  • Explore the Maltese culture.

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Level B1 (Intermediate)

Maltese for Specific Purposes

Speaking Medical Maltese 1

Speaking Medical Maltese 1 front cover

Medical Words & Phrases in Maltese is a bilingual vocabulary book in Maltese and English that teaches Maltese medical vocabulary and expressions in an easy-to-follow format. It is ideal for medical and healthcare professionals and students who need to use Maltese in their work or study to communicate with patients and colleagues. It is also useful for foreigners living in Malta to learn basic medical terminology. With this book, you can:

  • Enrich your medical and scientific vocabulary;
  • Learn Maltese expressions related to medical contexts;
  • Gain knowledge of colloquial medical terms;
  • Improve your reading, writing, listening and pronunciation skills;
  • Enhance your communication skills, which will help you to converse in realistic situations in a medical setting;
  • Explore the Maltese culture.

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Speaking Medical Maltese from Zero

Speaking Medical Maltese from Zero front cover

Speaking Medical Maltese from Zero contains 42 realistic dialogues, with parallel translations, to help you learn medical Maltese, improve your reading and listening skills and at the same time work on your speaking skills without having constantly to look in a dictionary. After some dialogues you will find a box with important phrases and medical expressions and their translations. With this book, you can:

  • Discover further the Maltese language;
  • Enrich your medical and scientific vocabulary;
  • Learn colloquial medical terms;
  • Learn Maltese expressions related to medical contexts;
  • Hear each dialogue being read in standard Maltese by native speakers;
  • Improve your reading, listening and speaking skills;
  • Improve your communication skills which will help you to converse in realistic situations in a medical setting;
  • Explore the Maltese culture.

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Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context for Healthcare Professionals

Speaking Medical Maltese from Zero front cover

Maltese Grammar Essentials in Context for Healthcare Professionals is a bilingual grammar book in Maltese and English. It teaches Maltese grammar in an easy-to-follow format using various situations commonly encountered at a hospital. The exercises and activities are designed to teach the language in a real-life context in a cyclical manner while simultaneously aiding vocabulary acquisition as well as effective comprehension and communications skills. With this book, you can:

  • Discover Maltese grammar basics;
  • Enrich your medical and scientific vocabulary;
  • Learn colloquial medical terms;
  • Learn Maltese expressions related to medical contexts;
  • Improve your writing, reading, listening and speaking skills;
  • Improve your communication skills, which will help you converse in real-life situations within the medical setting;
  • Explore the Maltese culture.

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Level B1 (Intermediate)

Maltese for Specific Purposes

Speaking Medical Maltese 2

Speaking Medical Maltese 2 front cover

Medical Words & Phrases in Maltese 2 contains 12 realistic dialogues, with parallel translations, to help you learn medical Maltese, improve your reading and listening skills and at the same time work on your speaking skills without having constantly to look in a dictionary. After each dialogue you will find a box with important phrases and medical expressions and their translations. Make sure that you learn these expressions because they are frequently used in day-to-day conversations.With this book, you can:

  • Discover further the Maltese language;
  • Enrich your medical and scientific vocabulary;
  • Learn Maltese expressions related to medical contexts;
  • Hear each dialogue being read in standard Maltese by native speakers;
  • Improve your reading, listening and speaking skills;
  • Improve your communication skills which will help you to converse in realistic situations in a medical setting;
  • Explore the Maltese culture.

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cd image

Listen to Native Maltese Speakers Reading This Series (Updated Version 2017)

You can purchase the audio files for an additional cost and listen to each numbered section being read by a native speaker. The files are saved in an MP3 format so they can be played on a computer. View CD Cover Leaflet.

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cd image cd image

Rapid Maltese is a series of ten podcasts that teach Maltese as a foreign language. Each podcast consists of a rhythmical dialogue between a learner and a native speaker, embedded in catchy music. It is a survival kit full of essentials for typical situations: taking a taxi, at the hotel, at a restaurant, requesting, polite phrases, finding your way, numbers, dealing with problems, etc.

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Collection A1

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Collection A2

Provérbios Europeus/European Proverbs/Proverbji Ewropej

Provérbios Europeus/European Proverbs/Proverbji Ewropej

Provérbios Europeus/European Proverbs/Proverbji Ewropej front cover

This trilingual book (Portuguese, English and Maltese) has four sections. The first lists proverbs ordered alphabetically in each of the three languages. In the second section, the equivalent proverbs in the three languages are grouped; in the third, for each proverb, one possible explanation is given in the three languages. In the last section, numerous exercises are given to practise one’s linguistic and paremiological skills.

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